Structure of these pages

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In 1990 we, Doris and I, walked the middle part of the tour in one piece, with a day of rest approximately half way. From ca. 1994 till 2008 I walked the Southern part, with frequently a (longer) interruption. In the beginning normally alone, but as Mirco grew up he usually joined me.
Since 2010 I am moving up North towards Sylt (or Norddeich); in 2010 I managed to walk 9 legs, now close to Hamburg. Since June 2015 I am in Rendsburg.

On the next page you will find an overview of the legs, splitted into three main parts:

  1. Göttingen till Bickenbach
  2. Groß-Bieberau till Warth (in Austria)
  3. from Göttingen towards North, possibly till Norddeich

The second part does not start in Bickenbach, but instead in Groß-Bieberau, because at that time we did not live in Bickenbach anymore. That should not be a problem, it should be possible to end the leg "Obernburg - Wembach" already in Groß‑Bieberau. Or to start the leg "Groß‑Bieberau - Erbach" in Wembach. Will be just some kilometres more …. A KML file for this connection part will be with the description of the leg "Groß‑Bieberau, borough Rodau - Erbach".

The last part is, as discussed above, not yet ready. Since I started in Göttingen this part is not oriented North-South but the other way around, from South till North.


Every leg is shown as Google map, with some pictures and/or links to pages of places worth a visit. In addition I show an altitude profile. Interestings events I will certainly mention, although there were not that many.
Wherever the route cannot be walked like shown (anymore), I will mention it. For instance South of Nienhorst (see satelite picture)

we crossed the "B3", where actually this should not be done anymore. But more about this in the description of the leg "Lehrte - Celle".
For all legs I will provide (FTP and HTML) a KML file, a GPX file and a PTH file (for a.o. Magic Maps), to be used for your own tours. I compared my data with Google Earth and adjusted where necessary. However, I did not adjust the legs when afterwards streets have been changed. My hikes were in the (distant) past, at that time the world still appeared a bit different.


The legs (incl. GPS data) may be used freely. However, I kindly ask for a notification in case you publish one or more of these legs yourself, and of course wherever you publish them a note about my copyright. Please see our legal information page About us. The pictures all have © 2010-2025 DoJoBa‑Verlag - all right reserved.

Overview of the legs