Background behind this walking tour - 1⇐ Germany walked on foot - a walk through GermanyWhy would one walk such a tour? There are already several tours available, e.g. the St. James' Way. Somebody recently walked along the Amazon River, from the source till the estuary. What makes Germany so appealing, that one wishes to hike through it? Well, Germany has also its attractiveness. During such a walking tour many nice people are met, many different cultures and landscapes are seen. And to stand eye in eye with a wild boar or with a grizzly, both experiences can end deadly, there is no need to travel extra to Canada for the thrill. But the reason why I started this tour is something different. Back in 1989 and 1990 my wife Doris lived in Göttingen and I in or close to Darmstadt, at last in Bickenbach. Of course we visited each other regularly, often even several times a week. The idea rose to use other means for the route Göttingen - Bickenbach, something different than car or train, but instead to walk it all. And that is what we did in Summer of 1990. At first glance this does not really look that far. ⇒ forward ... |